The mission of the absolutely FREE Lima Charlie Bugle is to provide a forum for recognizing those organizations and those people that make up the organizations that contribute so much to our nation. No one person and no one organization can change everything. But many people and many organizations working on the same path can do wonders.

This publication provides a voice. In short The Lima Charlie Bugle is a loud and clear bugle call to support our troops, our veterans, and their families. We welcome input from volunteer military support organizations across the nation.

In this magazine we have set certain standards.

The words Soldier, Sailor, Marine, and Airman will always be capitalized.

And that's because our appreciation, our respect, and our feelings towards them and their families should always be capitalized.

And every person and every organization that supports our military, both active and retired, will always receive a loud applause in this publication.

If you would like to contribute or if you have comments about the Lima Charlie Bugle just Click here to email us.

Thank you, Readers.

David R. Carney

March 2015

April 2015

May  2015

JUne 2015

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